Browse Exchanges#

IEX Cloud provides historical end-of-day pricing for symbols traded on exchanges worldwide. Our Reference Data endpoints list information about the exchanges and the securities traded on them.

Here we demonstrate looking up international exchange and symbol information using the endpoints.


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Listing Worldwide Exchanges#

The International Exchanges endpoint lists worldwide exchanges.


Response sample:

  // ... Lots of exchange objects like the one below
    "exchange": "XCNQ",
    "region": "CA",
    "description": "Canadian National Stock Exchange",
    "mic": "XCNQ",
    "segment": "XCNQ",
    "segmentDescription": "Canadian National Stock Exchange",
    "suffix": "CF",
    "exchangeSuffix": "CF"
  // ... more exchange objects

Each exchange object describes an exchange and specifies the exchange’s region and suffix.

The region value is a 2-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. The Listing Regional Symbols and Exchanges section demonstrates using the code to look up regionally traded symbols.

The suffix is appended to non-U.S. symbols referenced in IEX Cloud data. See the Looking up a Symbol’s Exchange by Suffix section below for details.

Listing an Exchange’s Symbols#

If you want to browse symbols traded on a particular exchange, pass the exchange name as the exchange path parameter for the International Symbols by Exchange endpoint.

For example, the following call lists symbols traded on the XCNQ exchange.


Response sample:

    "symbol": "AAWH.U-CF",
    "exchange": "XCNQ",
    "exchangeSuffix": "CF",
    "exchangeName": "Canadian National Stock Exchange",
    "exchangeSegment": "XCNQ",
    "exchangeSegmentName": "",
    "name": "Ascend Wellness Holdings Inc. - Ordinary Shares - Class A",
    "date": "2024-04-03",
    "type": "cs",
    "iexId": null,
    "region": "CA",
    "currency": "USD",
    "isEnabled": true,
    "figi": "BBG010JWLN49",
    "cik": "0001756390",
    "lei": null
  // ... more symbols

The endpoint responds with a JSON array of objects, each representing a security and its association with the exchange. You can query historical data and more for these symbols.

Looking up an Exchange by Symbol Suffix#

If a symbol ends with a dash (-) followed by a short string of characters, that security may be trading on a non-U.S. exchange.

An easy way to look up the exchange is to search the International Exchanges endpoint response for the symbol’s suffix. That is, you can search the response for an exchange object that has a suffix attribute value matching the symbol’s suffix.

For example, here’s how to look up the exchange for symbol 317850-KQ:

  1. Call the International Exchanges endpoint.


  2. Search the response for "suffix": "KQ". Here’s the matching exchange object:

      "exchange": "XKOS",
      "region": "KR",
      "description": "Korea Exchange Kosdaq",
      "mic": "XKOS",
      "segment": "XKOS",
      "segmentDescription": "Korea Exchange Kosdaq",
      "suffix": "KQ",
      "exchangeSuffix": "KQ"

The 317850-KQ symbol is traded on Korea Exchange Kosdaq (XKOS).

Listing Regional Exchanges and Symbols#

You can browse symbols and exchanges by region, by passing in the region’s 2-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (case-insensitive) as the region path parameter to the International Symbols by Region endpoint.

For example, the following call lists symbols traded in the Korean region (KR) exchanges.


Response sample:

    "symbol": "000020-KP",
    "exchange": "XKRX",
    "exchangeSuffix": "KP",
    "exchangeName": "Korea Exchange Stock Market",
    "exchangeSegment": "XKRX",
    "exchangeSegmentName": "",
    "name": "Dongwha Pharm",
    "date": "2024-04-04",
    "type": "cs",
    "iexId": null,
    "region": "KR",
    "currency": "KRW",
    "isEnabled": true,
    "figi": "BBG000BDH7Q6",
    "cik": null,
    "lei": null
  // more symbol objects ...

Now you know how to look up international symbols and exchanges!

What’s Next#

Query Financial Time-Series Data for historical trends on symbols you’re interested in.

List supported symbols, including their descriptions, alternative identifiers, and more.

Explore the Historical Data Bundle endpoints that provide international symbol historical prices and technical indicators.